A much more serious case was a crewman who went into severe diabetic shock and was comatose for three days. There were no other ships with appropriate medical facilities for hundreds of kilometres, so Star Flyer had to divert to an outlying French Polynesian atoll with a small airstrip. On a foul Christmas Eve afternoon, the still unconscious patient was transferred to a Zodiac and ferried into Fakarava. An air ambulance took him to Papeete on Tahiti. As of today, he is still in hospital, conscious, but with a shunt in his head, and unlikely ever to return to the sea. However, he is fortunate we were not in mid-Pacific. I confess that, as all this happened, my reporting instincts kicked in and there are a couple of pictures that I won’t show. Paula Westbrook from California and I took these shots.
At 0500 on Christmas morning, I got up early, as usual when at sea, to see the sunrise. Wandering out of my cabin, I was confronted by water pouring in from part of the deck on which new teak was being laid. Water was starting to splatter on a fine oil painting of Star Clipper, Star Flyer’s sister. I grabbed the painting and stuck it in the closest dry space, my cabin. Then, soaking wet, one of the crew and I stopped the leak as squalls (fortunately warm) swept across the deck. For a few hours, the painting shared space with my underwear. I thought about keeping it as a Christmas present for myself, but didn’t have space in my luggage!
The next picture shows our first sight of the main island of Tahiti – other than the unhappy glimpse of Fakarava – first land after three weeks. Perhaps I am overly romantic, but the photo seems to express the sailor’s age-old hopes for the shore after a long voyage.
Far better writers have described the bay and, certainly, no tourist brochure can do it justice. As Star Flyer threaded the narrow channel through the reef, we lined the railings burning up digital camera cards.
The bay is surrounded by mountains resembling something from a fantasy novel. There are valleys and cliffs, ridges and passes, and a peak with a hole near the summit, which, as might be expected, is the source of a legend. Green rain forest plunges to the white of the surf and blue of the sea. Had the voyage been a disaster (and it was, for me, a great success), the arrival in such a place would have still made it all worthwhile.
At each ceremony, leis, coconut water and fruit were offered. On Huahine, the performers' shy smiles, dancing, singing and band reflected a tiny island community. The welcome was on the grass and gravel verge of the village's main street. Locals paused to watch, youngsters tried to copy the older dancers and dogs wandered in and out of the crowd. It was (I think) reasonably authentic and certainly enjoyable.
Last picture. Anyone else would look delighted; I manage to look apprehensive!
A good way to spend Christmas and New Year!