Friday, September 30, 2011

New York to Houston ... the long way - part twenty-six

Early morning is my favourite time at sea. Before dawn, I make coffee and watch the sun come up. Here's my Second Cup - a Canadian coffee chain - mug on its second circumnavigation. It sits on a fire hose box in the Indian Ocean.

At day's end, lean on a rail and take it all in. Today, I saw Snoopy in the clouds and an iTunes 'Angry Bird'.

Denis says he definitely spotted a cumulus tugboat. I will miss Denis' Aussie humour when he disembarks at Singapore.


I'm plagued by a kitschy tune. So much time on deck at dawn and dusk, and more time than usual for reflection:

"Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset,

Swiftly fly the years.

One season following another,

Laden with happiness and tears."

Over and over. More times than Broadway performances of Fiddler on the Roof.