Back to Australia and in Melbourne, Richard, extraordinarily grateful for his Toronto raccoon gifts, hosts me again.
We head out of the city.
Richard treats me to a very good lunch and we later visit Rosebud and the Rosebud Hotel with its deco-ish touches.
In 1939, the hotel was the height of modernity with “coloured blinds …Radio Control and complete Telephone Service (sic).” There were also “… chromium-plated fittings (and) an automatic fountain which plays a spray of perfumed water, and is illuminated by varying colours …”
The town of Rosebud long predates Citizen Kane, released two years after the hotel opened. However, as I’ve never encountered any other place named Rosebud, it immediately brought to mind the film's final scene:
Whether the movie resulted in more business for the hotel, I don’t know.
Onto Sydney and a short stay before my flight home. The day’s headlines are grim.
From the ship, smoke haze is all too evident. However, by local standards, I’m arriving when the situation has been (and certainly again will be) far worse.
Last minute wandering includes the Queen Victoria Building’s splendid 19th Century loo …
… and some street photography.
21st Century Australian version of a sandwich board man.
Street preachers always attract my attention, although I stand well back in hopes of not attracting theirs.
‘A’ for enthusiasm, if not, in my case, for persuasion.
The trip’s final shot. Not your quintessential Aussie picture, but the 2019 Year of the Pig pig is jolly and, as I write this, it’s nearly the next Chinese New Year.
Despite much bad news since returning home, I’ll conclude with a quote from the November 30, 2019 New Zealand Listener, the country’s main news magazine:
“The fact that we still trust our fellow humans enough to use public swimming pools gives me hope for the future of humanity.” Kiwi comedian Guy Williams